
I am al

Daily Babbles: 9/20

Thoughts that floated through my brain today:

  • I no longer habitually put people on a pedestal; but sometimes I’ll get butterflies in my stomach before I meet with someone, or read and re-read an email I’m about to send to someone, and I realize it’s happening without me even realizing it.
  • There is so much I learned in high school or college classes that I don’t know anymore and that’s so sad.
  • I look at the old newborn diaper I keep as a reminder and can’t even believe that at the scary beginning of Maggie’s life, it was too big on her.
  • One of my secret dreams that I don’t think I’ll ever do but dream of doing, is publishing a memoir or anthology of little posts or essays.
  • I miss moments of newborn snuggles but I don’t miss the fact that newborn snuggles were in lieu of showering, eating, exercising, changing clothes, brushing teeth, sleeping.
  • I have a (short) post in the works about the mental load that mothers carry.
  • I have visual-spatial synesthesia which has always been part of me but also I think is why I am so sensitive to the passing of time, growing up, aging, seasons changing, etc., because rather than solely experiencing it, I can SEE it.